Anti Aging Weight Loss
Frequently Asked Questions

Every Question Deserves An Answer!

Is this program very expensive?

This program is normally very expensive. In the beginning, when it was discovered, it was reserved for the super rich. Even today I have heard of people paying anywhere from $1500.00 to $1800.00 for it. However, the price of the drops today, can be a long way from those prices!

Should I exercise while on the Anti Aging Weight Loss Program?

It has been found that strenuous exercising may hamper your weight loss while you are on the program. Walking at a slow, steady pace outside for one hour each day, whenever possible, is often recommended.

Will I feel weak during the Weight Loss Cure Protocol?

Dr. Simeon’s “Pounds & Inches” refers to “muscle fatigue” that some participants in the program have experienced. He explains that sometimes the removal of abnormal fat makes the muscle too long and the muscles have to perform greater contraction than before. He goes on to say that within a short time the muscle adjusts itself perfectly.

Will I lose energy during my Anti Aging Weight Loss Program?

All activities of the body require energy, and all energy needs are met by eating food. The human diet consists of three main sources of energy: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Simple carbohydrates are also known as sugars. Natural sugars are found in fruit and vegetables. These needs are all included in the Weight Loss Cure Protocol. You may experience more energy as you lose weight.

Can I take supplements during the Weight Loss Program?

Yes, you certainly may. They should not cause any blocks to losing weight. When choosing your supplements do ensure that you are getting what your are paying for. Many products may contain only a minuscule amount of the supplements that are listed on the container.

What do I do if my weight loss stops?

Hey, that happens!

Check to ensure you are:

  • drinking, drinking, drinking
  • following the diet exactly, this includes using only the listed spices
  • using only oil-free personal products
  • avoiding all digestible oils

If you answered "No" to any of the above, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back to the business of losing weight.

If you can answer "yes" to all of the above, then you will need the assistance of your health care provider to determine the reason your weight loss has stopped.

What do I do, if I reach my goal weight before the end of the 21 day in phase 2?

Your success depends on completing Phases 1, 2 and 3 for a total of 26 days. Please note that Dr. Simeons refers to "injections", whereas today "drops" are available.

I have included a direct quote from Dr. Simeons' manuascript to emphasize the importance of completing all 3 phases.

"Patients who need to lose 15 pounds (7 kg.) or less require 26 days and treatment with 23 daily injections. The extra three days are needed because all patients must continue the 500 calorie diet for three days after the last injection".

"This is a very essential part of the treatment, because if they start eating normally as long as there is even a trace of HCG in their body they put on weight alarmingly at the end of the treatment. After three days when all the HCG has been eliminated this does not happen, because the blood is then no longer saturated with food".

When I reached my goal weight slightly before the end of 21 days, I slightly increased my food intake to greater than 500 calories and continued with the program. 

Do be very careful when increasing your calories, you just want to plateau not put on weight.

Is this program safe?

Having completed the program and experiencing absolute delight when I reached my goal weight, I can personally, emphatically say "Yes", this program is safe. However, I do strongly advise against "going it alone".

The hypothalamus gland is known as the master gland, Some of the master gland's responsibilities include controlling:

. body temperature,
. hunger
. thirst
. blood pressure
. heartbeat
. gastric reflexes
. carbohydrate and fat metabolism

The hypothalamus is a very important gland!

You know the value of good health and well being, so work closely with your health care provider.

Why do you show 5 phases in the weight Loss Cure Protocol, while
others only show 2 or 3 phases?

Good Question!

In order to make it simpler for you to follow. I have identified each specific phase instead of combining them.

Is it difficult to maintain my goal weight?

Maintenance includes both Phase 4 and 5. It is during this time that your body creates a new "weight set point".

The difficult part of maintenance is deciding what to prepare for your meals. You certainly do not want to slip back into your old eating habits!

You will find the cook book "HCG Maintenance Recipes" to be the perfect answer to making good, healthy choices.

I recorded my "weight reaction" to foods re-introduced in both Phase 4 and 5. This information served as a guideline when making menu decisions.

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